From the age of 40, until the average age of 51, changes such as shortening, lengthening, heavier, lighter or no menstrual periods can occur. This period is a process that continues until the ovaries stop producing eggs and do not enter the menstrual period.
What Causes Menopause?
There can be several reasons for the onset of menopause. The most common of these is the natural age-related decrease in reproductive hormones. As individuals approach their late 30s, the ovaries begin to produce lesser amounts of estrogen and progesterone, the hormones that regulate menstruation, resulting in reduced fertility.
From the age of 40, until the average age of 51, changes such as shortening, lengthening, heavier, lighter or no menstrual periods can occur. This period is a process that continues until the ovaries stop producing eggs and do not enter the menstrual period.
A hysterectomy procedure in which an individual's uterus is removed but not their ovaries usually does not cause menopause immediately. Even if the individual no longer menstruates, their ovaries still release eggs, producing estrogen and progesterone. However, medical interventions of total hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy, in which both the uterus and ovaries are removed, cause immediate menopause. The individual's menstrual periods stop immediately. Since hormonal changes that would normally occur within a few years occur suddenly, it is possible to experience hot flashes and other menopausal signs and symptoms, which can be severe.
Cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, can both directly cause menopause and cause menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes during or immediately after treatment. The cessation of menstruation and fertility following chemotherapy is not permanent in almost every case, so it may still be necessary to take birth control measures. early menopause or premature ovarian failure occurs in about 1 percent of women before age 40.
Early menopause can occur when an individual's ovaries do not produce normal levels of reproductive hormones due to genetic factors or autoimmune diseases. However, in many cases no cause can be found. In cases where this is seen, it is recommended to continue hormone therapy at least until the natural menopause age in order to maintain the health and structure of the brain, heart and bones.
What are the Complications that May Occur with Menopause?
After menopause, individuals are at increased risk of developing certain medical conditions. Among these medical conditions, diseases of the heart and circulatory system, that is, cardiovascular diseases, are primarily seen. Decreased estrogen levels increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Heart diseases are among the leading causes of death in women as well as in men. Therefore, it is important to exercise regularly, eat healthy and maintain a normal weight. Individuals should consult a doctor to learn about steps to take to control high cholesterol or blood pressure. Osteoporosis causes an individual's bones to become brittle and weak, resulting in an increased risk of fractures. Individuals lose bone density rapidly in the first few years after menopause and face a high risk of osteoporosis. In this process, women become particularly susceptible to fractures on the wrists, hips and spine.
As a result of the loss of elasticity of the vagina and urethra tissues of the individual, the possibility of frequent, sudden, strong urge to urinate and then involuntary urinary incontinence, i.e., urge incontinence, or loss of urine due to coughing, laughing or lifting weights, may increase the possibility of stress incontinence. The individual may face more frequent urinary tract infections.
Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles with Kegel exercises and using topical vaginal estrogen can help relieve these symptoms of incontinence. In addition, hormone therapy to be continued under the control of a doctor can also be an effective treatment option for menopausal urinary tract and vaginal changes that may result in urinary incontinence.
Vaginal dryness caused by decreased moisture and loss of elasticity in the vagina can cause discomfort, injuries and light bleeding during sexual intercourse. In addition, decreased sensation can reduce the individual's libido, that is, the desire for sexual activity. In this case, water-based vaginal moisturizers and lubricants can help the individual. If vaginal lubricants do not provide sufficient results, local vaginal estrogen therapy in the form of vaginal cream, tablet or ring may give positive results, again after the doctor's advice.
During perimenopause and after menopause, individuals may gain weight as metabolism slows down. The individual may need to eat less and exercise more to maintain their current weight.
What Are the Symptoms of Menopause?
The signs and symptoms of menopause differ for every woman, including changes in menstrual patterns. In the months or years constituting the perimenopause process from regular reproduction and menstrual period to menopause, the individual firstly irregular menstrual periods, skin dryness, night sweats, slowed metabolism with weight gain, loss of breast fullness, sudden changes in mood, hair thinning, hot flashes, may show various signs and symptoms such as chills, sleep problems, and vaginal dryness. perimenopause It is common and expected to occur during menstrual periods. Usually, periods skip a month and start again in the next period, or skip a few months and then start monthly cycles again for a few months.
Also, the menstrual period tends to occur in shorter cycles, so it may recur more frequently. However, it is possible for pregnancy to occur despite irregular periods. For this reason, it may be appropriate for individuals who skip a menstrual period, but are not sure that they have started the menopausal transition, to take a pregnancy test.
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