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New Happy Mood Offer, 4 Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste 180 g + 4 Free Gifts: Mood Tea, Erkeksin Chocolate, D-Cream, Epimedium Mini Macun

New Happy Mood Offer, 4 Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste 180 g + 4 Free Gifts: Mood Tea, Erkeksin Chocolate, D-Cream, Epimedium Mini Macun
New Happy Mood Offer, 4 Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste 180 g + 4 Free Gifts: Mood Tea, Erkeksin Chocolate, D-Cream, Epimedium Mini Macun
New Happy Mood Offer, 4 Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste 180 g + 4 Free Gifts: Mood Tea, Erkeksin Chocolate, D-Cream, Epimedium Mini Macun
New Happy Mood Offer, 4 Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste 180 g + 4 Free Gifts: Mood Tea, Erkeksin Chocolate, D-Cream, Epimedium Mini Macun
New Happy Mood Offer, 4 Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste 180 g + 4 Free Gifts: Mood Tea, Erkeksin Chocolate, D-Cream, Epimedium Mini Macun
New Happy Mood Offer, 4 Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste 180 g + 4 Free Gifts: Mood Tea, Erkeksin Chocolate, D-Cream, Epimedium Mini Macun
New Happy Mood Offer, 4 Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste 180 g + 4 Free Gifts: Mood Tea, Erkeksin Chocolate, D-Cream, Epimedium Mini Macun
The product you are looking for may be available in our Twin Store for discounted prices!
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Brand: Anatolian Terkib
  • Weight: 1.40kg
  • Dimensions: 20.00cm x 20.00cm x 20.00cm
  • SKU: 963311725


  • This offer contains 4 packages of Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste 180 g + 4 FREE GIFTS: Mood Syrian Rue Tea, Erkeksin Chocolate 24 g, Delay Cream, and Epimedium Mini Macun 43 gr
  • This offer is shipped for FREE inside and outside Turkey with DHL express shipping. This offer is included in the Cash on Delivery service in Turkey and the GCC countries except for Qatar.

New Happy Mood Offer, 4 Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste 180 g + 4 Free Gifts: Mood Tea, Erkeksin Chocolate, D-Cream, Epimedium Mini Macun

1- Turkish Epimedium Honey Smart Erection Paste 180 g 

  • Smart Erection Plus is a promoted formula of the Smart-E epimedium paste comes to you in ready-to-use, easy-to-use packages
  • Rocket Plus epimedium Turkish honey is a revolutionary formula presented by TurkAttar for the first time globally, combining performance efficacy with no side effects.
  • Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste is one of the Brainy Pleasure Series products, the registered trademark of TurkAttar.
  • Smart Erection Plus Macun is a natural remedy for ED. It boosts libido without other epimedium products' common side effects, such as headaches, hypotension, and general fatigue.
  • SE Honey prolongs intercourse time, improves the physical and psychological state of men, provides harder erection, and deals intelligently with the problem of premature ejaculation.
  • Smart Erection Epimedium Paste is produced in cooperation between TurkAttar, Bharat Al Baraka Trade Company, and the Turkish United Herbalists' Association "BAKDER".
  • Check the TurkAttar mark on the package to be sure you get the original product.
  • Turkish Epimedium Honey, Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste, Brainy Pleasure Series, Turkish Viagra +, Rocket Plus Epimedium Turkish Honey, 12 Bags×15gr, 180gr

    Turkish Epimedium Honey, Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste, Brainy Pleasure Series, Turkish Viagra +, Rocket Plus Epimedium Turkish Honey, what is new in this product?

    After many years of Epimedium products spread, the main problem facing consumers still these products side effects, which most common are: headache, severe weakness associated with hypotension, nausea, and other side effects that vary according to the human body's reaction to the epimedium products. This problem is further exacerbated by the fact that side effects increase with the increase in the product's strength and impact on erection's hardness.
    Considering these problems, and after testing thousands of responses and feedback received from epimedium product consumers, Smart Erection Epimedium Paste has been produced in cooperation between TurkAttar, Bharat Al Baraka Trade Company, and the Turkish United Herbalists' Association "BAKDER".
    This product's new is to obtain the maximum Epimedium's effectiveness in treating erectile dysfunction without causing its typical side effects. Moreover, Smart Erection Epimedium Honey works by Improving:  1- Blood flow through the penis 2- Men’s psychological state 3- The body's immunity and 4- Eliminating free radicals and inflammatory factors. Consequently, leading to ideal sexual intercourse that satisfies the desire of both partners.

    How does Epimedium Macun Plus, Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste, work?

    Initially, glucose syrup, which is used in all other Epimedium products available in the market due to its lower price than honey, has been excluded. Instead, it is replaced by refined flower honey as the main carrier for the active ingredients, with a small addition of carob molasses as a fixative substance for these ingredients within honey. Glucose syrup is a synthetic substance with harmful effects as it does not preserve the active ingredients and allow them to be destroyed. In Smart Erection, the structure of all active ingredients is preserved safely within the natural honey. Moreover, honey provides this product with a wonderful taste and excellent formation, unlike the epimedium products available in the market that have a bitter taste and an unpleasant grainy texture.
    The main active ingredient in this product is the extract of the epimedium herb. The extract has been added at a 4% rate, unlike all other epimedium products containing only 0.79% of the herb, not the extract. Epimedium, which is known as the Horn Goat Weed, has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for thousands of years to enhance sexual power and desire.
    Adding epimedium extract by this ratio treats erectile dysfunction and improves libido four times over other epimedium products. But not only that, Smart Erection contains "epimedium extract" and not powdered leaves or roots, so what is the difference? The difference is that the extract contains a concentrated group of active ingredients and excludes the excess substances that are believed to be responsible for the common side effects of the epimedium products available in the market.
    At the forefront of these active substances contained in the epimedium extract comes the substance "icariin". Recent scientific research has shown that icariin increases blood flow towards sexual organs and hardens erection by binding the enzyme "SHGB". Therefore, it proves its strong effect on treating ED and impotence in men. The concentration of "icariin" in the "Rocket Paste" is up to twenty times higher than that in products contain milled parts of the epimedium herb.

    How does the Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste boost libido and treat premature ejaculation problems?

    To simplify the complex mechanism in which the SE Epimedium paste works to eliminate ED, increase lust, and extend sexual intercourse, including abolishing premature ejaculation problems. A simple explanation of the cause of premature ejaculation that millions of men suffer from around the world is necessary.
    Premature ejaculation problems are related to many factors, but the most important of which are psychological ones. Men who have impotence suffer from premature ejaculation four times as much as men who have a normal erection. Also, anxiety, psychological tension, fear of not proving oneself and satisfying the partner, fatigue, and exhaustion are all factors that lead to premature ejaculation by increasing pressure on the nervous system due to intense thinking and fear of the failure of the sexual relation. To address this, Smart Erection Epimedium Paste contains a group of natural ingredients that ensure a healthy erection, eliminate free radicals and inflammatory factors in the tissues, improve mood and eliminate digestive problems that constitute real fatigue for the body, enhance self-confidence by obtaining an erection at request. Men need not "blind erections" at inappropriate times as delivered by Viagra or the epimedium products available on the market. Nevertheless, men need to have an erection when they intend to start sexual intercourse.

    The active ingredients of this product that guarantee its effective effect can be divided into several groups, each of which will be explained later. Still, in general, the components of the product according to the effect can be divided into the following groups:
    Erection and aphrodisiac boosters: Epimedium, Tribulus Terrestris, Ferula root, Ginseng, Ginger, American Aloe Vera root
    Mood enhancers: Nutmeg, Spanish chamomile
    Digestive & Immune Boosters: Galangal, Carob, Fenugreek, Flaxseed, Cinnamon, Pollen, Bee milk.
    The secret of the product: Udi Hindi (Costus), this miracle herb boosts the body’s immunity and eliminates free radicals and microbes in the body. Mixing it with honey and consuming it with the other SE Paste ingredients eliminates tiredness, fatigue, and anxiety caused by the stress of daily life. Doubles blood flow to the penis. Improves the mood during sexual intercourse. Allows the epimedium and the rest of the ingredients to play its role to the fullest.

    Does Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste numb the penis the same way delay ejaculation sprays do?

    Absolutely not, on the contrary, the SE paste will increase your sense of the sexual relationship in all its details. The product does not address the problem of premature ejaculation topically as does a common delay spray. However, it will prolong sexual intercourse by increasing the ability to enjoy this process and returning the organs to their original state where a man can have a rocket erection. With this product, man will own the ability to control the sexual relationship's course and enjoy with the partner for the period he wants.

    What are the direct effects of using the Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste?

    General effects:

    During the first hour of consuming Smart Erection Epimedium Honey, you may feel a state of warmth spreading across your body. Due to the difference in bodies concerning the climate, two SEE products were produced, one for the cold northern regions and the other for the hot southern regions. Besides, the body will, after repeated use, get rid of any feeling of weakness, fatigue, and anxiety. SEE paste also helps eliminate colds and digestive disorders.

    The impacts on erection:

    After about 30-60 minutes, the SEE paste begins to take effect. You will get a perfect, strong erection as soon as you think about sex or enter any sexual relation. The critical point about this product's impact on erection is that it will be a smart erection that does not disturb the man, not a sudden erection at the wrong times. On the contrary, this ideal erection will be under the man's complete control when he desires to have sex.

    How will the sex be with the Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste? *

    For 94% of the consumers of the product's experimental samples, they were able to have intercourse for periods ranging between 40-60 minutes "excluding other sexual foreplay operations that were between periods of intercourse". This period, the (40-60 minutes), was different in terms of being continuous/ intermittent intercourse during sex according to the users' age, physical fitness, and the partner's ability to endure (the upper limit for continuous intercourse without ejaculation was 12 minutes).
    23% of consumers reported having another sexual process (reaching ejaculating twice in the same night) 2-3 hours after the first, which took about an hour and a half. 74% reported that they only had one sexual relation that took about two hours. 3% of consumers reported achieving a full erection and ejaculating three times during one night.
    The effect of the SEE paste lasts up to 72 hours after consuming it. The erection occurs just by thinking about sex or start to have sex. The number of times a man can have intercourse and reach orgasm during this period depends on each person's physical characteristics. Still, the minimum effect was achieving a full erection, long sexual intercourse, and complete satisfaction from both partners.
    100% of users reported that there were no side effects or headaches when using the product. 85% of users reported that they got rid of the following additional cases after continuous use of the product: general weakness, recurrent cold, indigestion.

    How to use Smart Erection Plus Epimedium Paste?

    It is recommended to use one bag 30-60 minutes before sex.
    It is recommended to be taken after a light meal.
    Do not consume more than the prescribed dose.
    It can be consumed by dissolving in warm, not boiled liquids, such as water and milk.

2- Turkish Peganum Harmal Seeds Herbal Tea, Syrian Rue Tea, Safe Sedative Formula, For Insomnia, Stress, Depression, Asthma  40 Teabag x 1.5 gr, 60 gr 

Syrian Rue Tea by its special formula of high-quality herbal ingredients carefully collected, within the food safety licensed range from the competent authorities, Turkish Peganum Tea is a mixed herbal tea of 7 medicinal plants. The plants used in the production of herbal tea have been sterilized by dry sterilization technique. These ingredients do not contain any harmful additives.

What is Syrian rue used for?

Peganum harmala (wild rue, Syrian rue, African rue) has been used in traditional medicine in parts of the Levant as a sedative. It is a plant that grows in the countries around the Mediterranean sea and western United States. Since ancient times, Syrian rue has been known as "envy herb". It is believed that it can counter evil intentions when observing its effects, such as mood enhancer, sedative, anti-anxiety, anti-depression, anti-stress, and insomnia.
Peganum seeds have unparalleled health effects on mental, neurological, and organ well-being in general.

What is Syrian rue used for?

Mood enhancer, anti-insomnia, anxiety, depression, stress, nervous tension, sleep disorders:
Some call it "Happy" tea because of the amazing effects the seeds have on mood. It is classified as an anti-depressant, anti-stress, and anti-tension agent. It is also indicated in cases of insomnia, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

Respiratory disorders:

Harmal tea has important benefits for respiratory health. It is used in Turkey in winter when there are frequent cases of cold and flu. It is used for its anti-inflammatory and Bronchodilator. Therefore, it is also widely used in asthma.

Syrian rue tea other benefits:

Due to the fact that it contains Syrian rue seeds along with 6 other medicinal plant ingredients, Our Turkish herbal tea with haramel has many benefits for the digestive system, pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, hormonal regulator.

how to prepare Syrian rue:

Put 1 Winter tea teabag in a hot cup of water and leave it for five minutes before drinking it.
To be used before meals

Syrian rue tea ingredients:

Peganum Seeds Syrian Rue Seeds 30% (Peganum harmala), Poley (Teucrium polium), Laurel Leaf (Laurus nobilis), Senna (Cassia Angustifolia), Myrtle Leaf (Myrtus Communis), Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Fumitory (fumaria officinalis)

Syrian rue tea safety/ is Syrian rue safe?

Syrian rue tea is not recommended for long periods of time
In cases of pregnancy, lactation, chronic diseases, use of medicines, please consult a doctor before use


*These results are not clinically proven but rather are approximate results observed by users.

Ingredients Of S-E Epimedium: 

80% Filtered Honey, 5% Carob Molasses, Horny Goat Weed Extract (Epimedium Extract) 4%, Ferula Root Extract, Red Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, Tragacanth, Ginger, Carob, Fenugreek, Flax Seeds, Cinnamon, Agave Root, Galangal, Tribulus Terrestris, Udi Hindi (Costus), Mount Atlas daisy, Nutmeg, Pollen, Bee Milk



It is recommended to use one bag 30-60 minutes before sex.
It is recommended to be taken after a light meal.
Do not consume more than the prescribed dose.
It can be consumed by dissolving in warm, not boiled liquids, such as water and milk.



This product is a food supplement, not a drug.
Keep in a dry place at room temperature out of reach of children.
If you suffer from any health condition such as diabetes, blood pressure disorders, etc., do not consume this product without consulting your doctor.
Not suitable for use by women or those under the age of 18.


Ingredients Of Syrian Rue Tea Peganum Seeds Syrian Rue Seeds 30% (Peganum harmala), Poley (Teucrium polium), Laurel Leaf (Laurus nobilis), Senna (Cassia Angustifolia), Myrtle Leaf (Myrtus Communis), Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Fumitory (fumaria officinalis)



Put 1 Winter tea teabag in a hot cup of water and leave it for five minutes before drinking it.
To be used before meals



Syrian rue tea is not recommended for long periods of time
In cases of pregnancy, lactation, chronic diseases, use of medicines, please consult a doctor before use


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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue affecting millions of men worldwide. It is characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. While it is a prevalent condition, it is also treatable through various methods, including home remedies, over-the-counter medications, and specialized treatments.

In this category, we will explore a wide range of solutions for ED, focusing on the effectiveness, accessibility, and affordability of each option. We'll delve into home remedies, over-the-counter medications, clinical therapies, and specific products like Kamagra 100mg, Lovegra, Epimedium Icariin, BlueChew, and Mazzogran 100mg. Additionally, we'll highlight the benefits of Smart E PLUS Epimedium Paste, a Turkish product renowned for its sexual enhancement properties.

Home Remedies for ED

Lifestyle Changes

  1. Diet and Nutrition: Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can improve overall health and blood flow, essential for erectile function.
  2. Exercise: Regular physical activity, particularly aerobic exercises like running, swimming, and cycling, enhances cardiovascular health and blood circulation, which can significantly reduce ED symptoms.
  3. Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise reduces the risk of vascular diseases and diabetes, common causes of ED.

Natural Supplements

  1. L-arginine: An amino acid that helps expand blood vessels, improving blood flow to the penis.
  2. Ginseng: Known as an aphrodisiac, it boosts sexual performance and overall vitality.
  3. Pomegranate Juice: Rich in antioxidants, it promotes heart health and improves blood circulation.

Psychological Support

  1. Counseling: Therapy can help address psychological factors contributing to ED, such as stress, anxiety, and depression.
  2. Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices reduce stress and improve mental health, positively impacting sexual performance.

Over-the-Counter ED Medications

Understanding Over-the-Counter Options

Over-the-counter (OTC) ED medications offer a convenient and accessible option for those seeking immediate relief from ED symptoms. These medications can be purchased without a prescription, making them a popular choice for many men.

Popular Over-the-Counter ED Medications

  1. Kamagra 100mg: A generic version of Viagra, it contains sildenafil citrate, which increases blood flow to the penis, aiding in achieving an erection.
  2. Lovegra: Often referred to as "female Viagra," it helps enhance sexual arousal in women but can also be effective for men with ED.
  3. BlueChew: Chewable tablets that contain sildenafil or tadalafil, available through an online subscription service. While not typically found in stores, it provides a discreet and convenient option.
  4. Mazzogran 100mg: Another effective ED medication, known for its potency and quick action.

Benefits of Over-the-Counter Medications

  1. Accessibility: Easily available without a prescription.
  2. Convenience: Can be purchased online or at local pharmacies.
  3. Affordability: Often cheaper than prescription medications.

Prescription ED Medications

Types of Prescription Medications

  1. Sildenafil (Viagra): One of the most well-known ED medications, it works by increasing blood flow to the penis.
  2. Tadalafil (Cialis): Known for its longer duration of action, up to 36 hours.
  3. Vardenafil (Levitra): Similar to sildenafil but with a different chemical structure, providing an alternative for those who do not respond well to other medications.

How Prescription Medications Work

These medications belong to a class of drugs called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. They work by blocking the enzyme PDE5, which results in the relaxation of blood vessels and increased blood flow to the penis, facilitating an erection when sexually stimulated.

Cheapest ED Meds

Affordable Options

  1. Generic Medications: Generic versions of brand-name drugs, such as sildenafil (generic Viagra) and tadalafil (generic Cialis), offer the same effectiveness at a lower cost.
  2. Discount Programs and Coupons: Many pharmacies and online platforms offer discount programs and coupons that can significantly reduce the cost of ED medications.
  3. Buying in Bulk: Purchasing larger quantities can lower the per-pill cost.

Finding the Best Deals

  1. Online Pharmacies: Many online pharmacies offer competitive prices and discounts.
  2. Price Comparison Tools: Websites and apps that compare prices across different pharmacies can help find the cheapest options.
  3. Pharmacy Membership Programs: Some pharmacies offer membership programs that provide discounts on medications.

ED Clinics and Specialized Treatments

ED Clinics

ED clinics specialize in diagnosing and treating erectile dysfunction. They offer a range of treatments tailored to individual needs, including medication, therapy, and surgical options.

Advanced Treatments

  1. ED Shots (Intracavernosal Injections): Injections administered directly into the penis, such as alprostadil, provide a quick and effective way to achieve an erection.
  2. ED Therapy: Includes various forms of therapy like low-intensity shockwave therapy, which stimulates blood vessel growth and improves blood flow.
  3. Penile Implants: Surgical implants that provide a permanent solution for ED, suitable for those who do not respond to other treatments.

Specific ED Products

Kamagra 100mg

Kamagra 100mg is a popular choice among men seeking an effective and affordable alternative to Viagra. It contains sildenafil citrate and works similarly to Viagra by enhancing blood flow to the penis. Available in various forms, including tablets and oral jelly, Kamagra is known for its quick onset and reliability.


Lovegra, although marketed primarily for women, can also be used by men to enhance sexual arousal and performance. It contains sildenafil citrate and works by increasing blood flow to the genital area.

Epimedium Icariin

Epimedium Icariin, also known as Horny Goat Weed, is a natural supplement that has been used for centuries to improve sexual function. It works by increasing nitric oxide levels in the body, which enhances blood flow to the penis.


BlueChew offers chewable tablets containing either sildenafil or tadalafil. Available through an online subscription service, BlueChew provides a convenient and discreet option for men seeking ED treatment.

Mazzogran 100mg

Mazzogran 100mg is another effective ED medication known for its potency and quick action. It contains sildenafil citrate and works similarly to other PDE5 inhibitors.

Epimedium Macun

Epimedium Macun is a natural aphrodisiac paste made from a blend of herbs, including Epimedium. It is known for its ability to enhance sexual performance and improve erectile function.

Smart E PLUS Epimedium Paste


Smart E PLUS Epimedium Paste is a Turkish sexual enhancer product that comes in stick packaging. It is made from a blend of natural ingredients, including Epimedium, known for its aphrodisiac properties. This product is designed to improve sexual performance, enhance libido, and support overall sexual health.


  1. Natural Ingredients: Made from a blend of herbs, it offers a natural alternative to synthetic medications.
  2. Convenient Packaging: The stick packaging makes it easy to use and carry.
  3. Effective: Known for its ability to enhance libido and improve erectile function.

Usage and Dosage

The paste is typically consumed by taking a small amount directly from the stick. It can be taken daily or as needed, depending on individual preferences and requirements.